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Find Solar Charge Controller in Coachman Spirit XTR

Questions?: Trying to locate the solar charge controller on my 2022 Coachmen Spirt XTR RV

Type of RV:

2022 Coachmen spirit xtr

Info from Coachman on your travel trailer

The Northern Spirit XTR is the first travel trailer to utilize Max Bed Storage, a unique storage concept that maximizes interior bedroom storage by lifting the entire mattress frame up. Revolutionizing under bed storage, the Max Bed Storage system includes 3 oversized drawers, shoe storage, padded bench seat, 6 “catch-all” openings, Laundry Center and blanket/pillow storage!

Found a video showing a charge controller when reviewing a Coachmen travel trailer. At 17:34 in the video they discuss the solar controller.

It seems the 10 amp controller is pretty simple and in the cabinets.

Are you looking for where your prewired solar cables are in your RV?

A program designed to help the consumer with solar panel installs has caused them a lot of grief due to hard to find cable locations and wiring diagrams. Here are a few reasons why RVers have had issues with the prewired or Wired for solar program.

  • Sticker is removed at dealer prep
  • Sticker is place in wrong place in RV
  • Proper docmentation on controller and solar wiring not done well
  • The program would be better optimized if a small controller would actually be installed with all the wiring hooked. Small so it is cheap to aquire and is easily replaced with a new controller. Charge controllers are having a lot of changes coming to them as the industry heads to RV-C. This will mean the controller will be stored away and the panel to monitor it could be centralized or unified in your RV. Lets hope the RV-C makes the drop points easier to find and identify. Here are a few articles we have written to help you find the cables meant to run to the charge controller.
  • Tips for Finding Prewired Solar Cables in Your RV
  • My Fifth Wheel Camper Came Prewired With Solar on the Roof and Side Now What
  • My Travel Trailer Is Prewired for Solar Now What
  • Thor Prepped for Solar
  • Visit our Answers section to see how we have helped others find their lost cables.

    Need to add solar panels to your RV?

    Depending on how large your charge controller is on your mobile solar array, you may be able add additional panels. Important factors to know when trying to add panels to your array: * How many amps can your charge controller handle * How many amps of solar are in your array * How is your array wired (Parallel, Series, Series/Parallel) * How much space do you have on your RV roof for more solar panels Here is a selection of panels to grow a Go Power System

    Go Power 190 E Expansion Panel

    Go Power Flexible Solar Panel 100 Watt Expansion

    Go Power Rigid 100 Watt Solar Panel Expansion Kit

    There are other brans on the market, we have found Go Power! to be among the highest quality gear on the market. Their service has been friendly and reliable. However they can be a bit higher priced.

    Here is a good selection of rv solar panels to check out.

    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

    Check out these portable solar kits to add even more power when parked in the shade.

    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

    Keep that RV clean, check out this gear.

    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    Find Solar Charge Controller in Coachman Spirit XTR