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What Kind of Solar Controller Do I Need for Greystone Heartland 5th Wheel

Questions?: What type of solar controler and solar panel do I need for my 2011 Heartland Greystone Fifth Wheel

Type of RV:

2011 Greystone Heartland 32rl 5th wheel

Most 2011 campers were not prewired for solar

I found details on your model 2011 Heartland Greystone 32RL and they did not show any solar default options or custom options.

In 2011 finding a camper that had been prewired for solar was pretty rare if at all. No big deal, you will just need a full RV solar kit.

This is a great entry level Go Power's Inverter Charger Kit. They offer the Elite and Extreme kits. These have different amounts of solar and also different size Inverter units.

The Go Power! Elite Solar Kit - IC-2000 - 380 Watts of solar

We have found these kits contain much of what you need for getting going with off-grid solar and inverter power. We have also added lithium battery and sealant as well

Fifth wheels need more power but have more roof space for solar panels

Most 32 foot fifth wheels have plent of space to add solar panels on the roof. Large units can even support the newer 6 panel all electric systems by Go Power!

The answer to your off-grid refrigerator might just be the Go Power AE-6 kit

Refrigerators in Class A, Class B and Fifth Wheels have gone to residential types. These residentials types will not runn off of your battery bank alone. You need an inverter, a large battery abnk and solar panels to operate seamlessly. A generator on board is always a good choice as well.

Go Power AE-6 Solar Kit

Designed for refrigerators and larger loads

More power from the sun for faster recharge times

Just add a battery bank of 500 to 1000 amp hours, and this kit will usually support your fridge off-grid. There will always be low light weeks where a short generator run or plugin will kepp you going. The AE-6 has the power to keep it charging and running. The six in the name is for 6 solar panels.

Check your batteries for age and current abilities

As RV batteries get older, they begin to show signs of their age. Check your batteries for capacity and also signs of problems.

Many fifth wheel owners decide to upgrade to the new lithium batteries when changing out older batteries. This is because of weight and life expectancy of the battery.

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Only want a minimal solar kit for your Hearland Fifth Wheel

Look for a 190 watt panel as this will most likely be the easiest and best priced panel kit on the market. This won’t have an inverter charger like the kits above, but will be able to provide up to 9 amps of solar battery charging in the sun.

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As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
What Kind of Solar Controller Do I Need for Greystone Heartland 5th Wheel