Do you have a prewired RV?
There are several programs for pre wired RVs, here are a selection of kits made to make adding solar easy.
Want to connect to the cable entry plate on the roof of your RV?
This cable entry plate is the best way to make permanent solar panel connections that are out of the way and mostly safe from theft. The CEP-25 has MC-4 connector attachments that allow for quick connecting solar wires to the panels. MC-4 cables will extend usually 18 inches from the panel. These should be fine to conenct to cable entry for a single panel install that is close to the cable entry plate. If you want more than one solar panel or you cable entry plate is far from panel install, ordering a couple of extra MC4 extension cables can make wiring easier on the roof. These cables are almost always ordered in pairs, so get two of them.
When adding panels this is where MC-4 branch connectors will come into play when wiring in a standard parallel configuration. Most of the expansion kits will come witht these although you can order them as matched pairs.
Panels and kits if you have a charge controller installed
A 30 amp controller can typically handle up top three of these 190 watt panels.
Full RV solar kit if you still need the solar controller
You can add up to of the expansion kits above to a the base solar kit below.