Lift Gate Battery Charging Solar Panel
Many fleet managers find issues with some lift gate battery units going dead on vehicles. This “Dead Battery” issue is because when the vehicle is not being used, the auxiallary battery doesn’t receive any charging from the altenator. Many lift gate systems drain power even when down in use. This can lead to a dead battery when the driver starts to use the lift gate at the first stops of their day.
Installing a solar flex panel on the vehicles in your fleet can create a reliable solution to these and other battery charging issues. Call our offices at (We No Longer Take Phone Calls) for more information on this and other common fleet power issues.

The newest style of solar panels is flexible ones that can confrom somewhat to the shape of the RV roof. These panels range from 20 watts to 110 watts.
Many of the flexible panels have inreased in wattage due to their use of more efficent cells in the same panel footprint.
Go Power! has a wide range of the panels and the most popular size is the [110 watt flexible solar kit](/go-power-100-watt-flexible-solar-kit-gp-flex-100/).
Go Power 110 Watt Flexible Solar Kit
Go Power 110 Flexible Expansion panels
There are many brands and sizes of these flexibles today. Every year more and more efficent panels with better qualities hit the market. you can also look at thin film flexible solar panels as well. These panels are more flexible but typically have a lower power density.