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Solar Panel Efficiency Increased Same Footprint Is Now 190 Watts

Solar has now become more efficient in the same footprint

Go Power has released their NEW 190 Watt solar module which replaced their 170 watt module. The 170 watt solar module replaced their 160 watt module. As you can see, there is a positive trend here with the efficiency of Go Power solar panels. The solar panel efficiency has increased and the footprint kept the same. The panel now gives you an extra 30 watts of power.

190 watt solar panel upgraded to a more efficient module. The 190 watt solar panel is being used in many of Go Power’s RV solar kits, thus every kit using this panel will now provide more power for individuals in their RV, Boat or Cabin. The solar module being the same footprint also allows the customer to replace any older solar panel without having to figure out whether or not it will fit in the same space. In the end, increased solar panel efficiency will now allow the user to run their fans, lights, computer etc. that much longer per day.

The new more efficient solar panel is rated at 9.3 Amps. It measures 26.30″ X 59.06″ (668mm X 1500mm) in physical size. This will use the same layout guide as before.

190 Watt Solar Module Specification Sheet

Here selection of pre wired solar kits

190 Watt panels are a great RV size and footprint

For years we sold the Go power 190 high quality solar panels. This robust size was powerful yet had a great form factor. These panels have recently been upgraded to 200 watts in the same form factor.

Some 190 and 200 watt RV solar panels

Go Power 190 Watt Overlander Kit

This Go Power kit is the basic building block of a standard RV solar kit. It comes with the solar panel controller, brackets and solar cable.

Last updated 3 mins ago

With Go Power panels you know you will get what you pay for. They are a little more exspensive and the quality is there to support the price.

Maybe save a few dollars with another RV solar panel brand.

190 Watt Solar Panel

This is a 190 watt bare solar panel. It claims to be RV friendly and has a pretty good price.

Last updated 3 mins ago

There are always different panels that you can choose to build your solar array from. Always consider price versus quality. Solar panels are things you really don't want to have to replace. It is a pain, so choose what works for your RV or off-grid array.

Need to add solar panels to your RV?

Depending on how large your charge controller is on your mobile solar array, you may be able add additional panels. Important factors to know when trying to add panels to your array: * How many amps can your charge controller handle * How many amps of solar are in your array * How is your array wired (Parallel, Series, Series/Parallel) * How much space do you have on your RV roof for more solar panels Here is a selection of panels to grow a Go Power System

Go Power 190 E Expansion Panel

Go Power Flexible Solar Panel 100 Watt Expansion

Go Power Rigid 100 Watt Solar Panel Expansion Kit

There are other brans on the market, we have found Go Power! to be among the highest quality gear on the market. Their service has been friendly and reliable. However they can be a bit higher priced. Solar Panel Efficiency Increased Same Footprint Is Now 190 Watts