Can’t find charge controller prewire location in Jayco 161 Octane Toy Hauler
Trying to find were to cutout for the charge controler for a Jayco 161 octane toy hauler. We found the sticker in the paper work with the camper. I know it is on the kitchen wall . I just don’t know the height and the distance from the door to the bathroom. Any help would be appreciated.
Type of RV: Jayco 161 octane toy hauler.
All too common when trying to find the prewire solar cables
Dealers or previous owners often will remove these stickers, even when they are best left they are placed. It has been one of the biggest challenges of the prewired solar program. In fact, it would great if they just always installed a charge controller to keep this from happening.
I searched through some videos to see if I could find a picture of where the sticker might have been for your model. There was no year attached to the question.
Wired For Solar Sticker at 6:37 in this video
Hope this helps, in case you need to find panels to install here are some 190 watts:
Don’t forget sealant for maintaing your RV and installing solar panels.
Also you might look at upgrading to lithium batteries when it is time to replace your battery bank.