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Wired for Solar

Wired for Solar Program promised easier conenctions for prewired RVs

Many trailers, fifth wheels, Class C and Class A and B motor homes come prewired for solar. You may have gotten a Wired For Solar sticker in your RV. That means that your RV has the wires built in ready to be connected to a solar kit or complete solar system. Outside Supply can help you get the parts you need to a Go Power Solar Kit to your vehicle.

wired for solar image that’s posted on RVs Go Power’s Wired For Solar Program Class C and Fifth wheel campers participated in wired for solar. Some Airstreams were part of the Wired for Solar Program Older Go Power 160 watt Solar Kit

Many trailers are wired for solar

This picture shows how you install the cable entry plate on the roof near the wired for solar stick.

Prewired for solar RV units may or may not have the charge controller, call (We No Longer Take Phone Calls) to determine if you need a kit with a controller.

Wired For Solar program for RV Pre wire for solar kits. Sample Sticker from an RV that was Pre Wired for Solar

Prewired solar kits speed installation anmd wiring in your RV

Prewired kits speed solar panel installation on your RV

Pre-wired solar kits are meant to be installed on RV units that have been prepared to have a solar kit. This means that a solar wire pair should have been installed through the walls and roof using a cable entry plate or MC-4 wire directly. These kits are customized to add the parts you will need and eliminate the parts you do not.

Connecting to the wired for solar connector on the side of the RV

Connecting to the solar port on the side of your RV

The port on the side is connected directly to the battery in most wiring setups. Check your Rv's manual to make sure this is the case.
This port has a standard connector in many portable solar kits. Commonly referred to as an SAE connector. Portable kits usually have the charge controller in line or on the back of the panel. This is why the port usually is wired directly to the battery.
If there is a side connection, a customer needs to look at our portable solar units and our portable solar guide for more information.

Many of the portable solar kits come with a wide range of connectors. This allows easy connecting to your RV and also other equipment.

Go Power 200 Watt Solar Kit
Go Power 130 Watt Portable Solar Kit
Renogy 200 watt portable solar kit
Go Power 90 Watt Portable Solar Kit

Install your panels on your RV if you can : BEST OPTION

Want to connect to the cable entry plate on the roof of your RV?

This cable entry plate is the best way to make permanent solar panel connections that are out of the way and mostly safe from theft. The CEP-25 has MC-4 connector attachments that allow for quick connecting solar wires to the panels. MC-4 cables will extend usually 18 inches from the panel. These should be fine to conenct to cable entry for a single panel install that is close to the cable entry plate. If you want more than one solar panel or you cable entry plate is far from panel install, ordering a couple of extra MC4 extension cables can make wiring easier on the roof. These cables are almost always ordered in pairs, so get two of them.

When adding panels this is where MC-4 branch connectors will come into play when wiring in a standard parallel configuration. Most of the expansion kits will come witht these although you can order them as matched pairs.

Panels and kits if you have a charge controller installed

A 30 amp controller can typically handle up top three of these 190 watt panels.

Go Power 190 Watt RV Solar Expansion Kit
MC4 Extension Cables

Full RV solar kit if you still need the solar controller

You can add up to of the expansion kits above to a the base solar kit below.

Go Power 190 Watt Overlander RV Solar Kit
Go Power 30 Amp Controller

Finding solar panel prewired can be difficult for certain models of RV

Are you looking for where your prewired solar cables are in your RV?

A program designed to help the consumer with solar panel installs has caused them a lot of grief due to hard to find cable locations and wiring diagrams. Here are a few reasons why RVers have had issues with the prewired or Wired for solar program.

  • Sticker is removed at dealer prep
  • Sticker is place in wrong place in RV
  • Proper docmentation on controller and solar wiring not done well
  • The program would be better optimized if a small controller would actually be installed with all the wiring hooked. Small so it is cheap to aquire and is easily replaced with a new controller. Charge controllers are having a lot of changes coming to them as the industry heads to RV-C. This will mean the controller will be stored away and the panel to monitor it could be centralized or unified in your RV. Lets hope the RV-C makes the drop points easier to find and identify. Here are a few articles we have written to help you find the cables meant to run to the charge controller.
  • Tips for Finding Prewired Solar Cables in Your RV
  • My Fifth Wheel Camper Came Prewired With Solar on the Roof and Side Now What
  • My Travel Trailer Is Prewired for Solar Now What
  • Thor Prepped for Solar
  • Visit our Answers section to see how we have helped others find their lost cables.

    Need to add solar panels to your RV?

    Depending on how large your charge controller is on your mobile solar array, you may be able add additional panels. Important factors to know when trying to add panels to your array: * How many amps can your charge controller handle * How many amps of solar are in your array * How is your array wired (Parallel, Series, Series/Parallel) * How much space do you have on your RV roof for more solar panels Here is a selection of panels to grow a Go Power System

    Go Power 190 E Expansion Panel

    Go Power Flexible Solar Panel 100 Watt Expansion

    Go Power Rigid 100 Watt Solar Panel Expansion Kit

    There are other brans on the market, we have found Go Power! to be among the highest quality gear on the market. Their service has been friendly and reliable. However they can be a bit higher priced. This is a great entry level Go Power's Inverter Charger Kit. They offer the Elite and Extreme kits. These have different amounts of solar and also different size Inverter units.

    The Go Power! Elite Solar Kit - IC-2000 - 380 Watts of solar

    We have found these kits contain much of what you need for getting going with off-grid solar and inverter power. We have also added lithium battery and sealant as well

    MC4 Cables

    MC4 cables are specialized connectors for solar panel systems. Designed for outdoor use, they ensure a waterproof and secure connection between panels, inverters, and other components. Their standardized design simplifies installations, ensures compatibility, and reduces the risk of incorrect solar electrical connections. There is still a need to understand dangers of electrical work but having watertight quickconnects can be essential for safer and efficient rv solar setups.

    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

    Sealing Roof Penetrations in RVs

    Properly sealing roof penetrations in RVs is crucial. It prevents water ingress, leading to mold, structural damage, and electrical issues. Ensuring a watertight seal safeguards the RV’s interior, maintains its value, and works toward the comfort of its occupants during travels.

    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

    Importance of Electrical Tools

    Electrical tools are essential for safe and efficient work on electrical systems. They provide accurate diagnostics, protect users from electrical shocks, and ensure precise repairs. Using the right tool for the task not only facilitates the job but also prevents potential damage to components and circuits.

    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    Wired for Solar